About Us

About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

Since its inception, SIA Transport has always believed in providing customers with fast, efficient and reliable transportation services as it is the only way to express our gratitude to our customers who have entrusted us with the transportation of their valuable possessions. By providing high-quality, professional, dedicated and cost-effective services each time to every one of our customers, we strive to become the transport provider of choice for our clients and an industry leader in the transport industry.

you can contact us at any time Email: irma@siatransport.com
Phone: (816) 288-9002

Why Apply at SIA?

At SIA Transport, we understand that every business wants to minimize its costs and our prices are always set while keeping this mind. We offer transport services at a price that works for both us and our customers. And this is what
has resulted in our customers working with us for extended periods of time
over the years.

Become a part of our team.
Apply now online or email us and we will send you the application.


What Our Clients Say About Us